Do you lack confidence about your carrot-ability? Are you puzzled about parsnips? Are you squeamish about squash? If the answer to these questions is Yes -- you have lots of company. And there is nothing wrong with you. I believe you are quite normal for a 21st century American. And this vegetable anxiety did not come to afflict us overnight. It has been growing for years. Just watch a little TV and you will understand. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent to encourage us to LUST for Oreos. To NEED Fruit Loops. To WANT cheesy meaty pizza right NOW. To DESERVE a Big Mac. When is the last time you saw a commercial about eating attractive asparagus or sexy celeriac - let alone how to cook and serve it at home.
The good news is that more and more people are growing curious about vegetables. They wonder what they are missing. But they don't know where to start.
Well, I say start the same way you start anything. Take action. Do something. Make progress, one day at a time. As Mary Poppins said, "Find the fun and SNAP the job's a game".
One way to confront your vegetable anxiety head on is to sign up for a community supported agriculture (CSA) share. If you join a CSA you will receive a box of lovely fresh vegetables, in season, for about 22 weeks in the summer and fall. Many CSA farms also offer winter shares too. Since I work for Featherstone Farm I of course encourage you to check us out at Sign up for the 2010 season is in full swing.
NOTE: FEATHERSTONE IS ADDING TWO NEW DROP SITES IN SOUTHEAST MINNESOTA- at the Franciscan-Skemp Clinics in Caledonia and LaCrescent AND ONE IN LA CROSSE, WISCONSIN at the Gund Brewery Loft apartments. If you are interested in signing up and using those drop sites - please e mail me at
Another good web site - if you are interested in learning more about CSA's in general - is
Future reading: The Fish Counter!
10 hours ago